Thursday, November 21, 2019

Delphi 10.3.3 and Android 64

Finally here are the news about Delphi 10.3.3.

No more mimimi about not be able to build Android 64 with Delphi.

Also iOS 13 with Dark-Mode support.

If you want to get the information what mode the User has selected, just modify the FMX.Platform.iOS (Copy file to your project directory)

and Copy

  UIUserInterfaceStyleUnsepcified = 0;
  UIUserInterfaceStyleLight = 1;
  UIUserInterfaceStyleDark = 2;


function GetUserInterfaceStyle: UIUserInterfaceStyle;

to the Interface section!

Also a ready to use Linux-Docker image on Docker-Hub.

If you have the Enterprise Version and want to Build your App with FMXLinux you can provide empty implementations for some System units.
Of course only necessary if you are using this stuff in your app.

// Empty Implementations
// Add IFDEF Linux64

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

#CodeRage2019 - Fluent Creation of controls at runtime!

The Embarcadero CodeRage2019 (worldwide)!

Of course, I had to provide a session to this event with one of my beloved topics:

My FluentCreator!

(Part of my FDK - The Firemonkey Development Kit)

The #CodeRage2019 event should only contain tutorials of 5 to 10 minutes of playtime. So I will provide a more detailed session in the next days on my YouTube-Channel 

(Btw. This is my first tutorial in the English language - I will provide German subtitles on my channel in the next days and if I find the time I will upload my older sessions with English subtitles as well)

Yes, this channel has not seen any new content for a long time, but I will provide more stuff in 2020.

The short version you can find here

If you want to submit a question to the Firemonkey Multi-Device Design Q&A session at 14.Nov.2019, please click here.

Here is the full list for the FMX-week

Please leave a comment or send me an email if you like to see another topic of Firemonkey development.